Combining luxury event styling with our florist background to create truly stunning wedding settings. We don’t do one size fits all, we build, customise and create to fit your brief, ensuring your wedding styling and flowers work in complete Sofia Event Services Limited!

Flowers and venue styling

The reason behind Sofia Event Services Limited was to answer the growing need for flowers and venue styling to work together, complimenting each other, you could say, in Sofia Event Services Limited!

Made by professionals

Not only is it now super convenient for couples to choose their flowers and styling all in the one meeting.

You can also rest assured that colours flow, all products are of equal top quality, electrical products are all made by professionals and PAT tested and the end results are second to none!

We get to know our clients

We operate a complete no-pressure environment -we simply provide you with one of our incredibly detailed proposals showing everything, right down to the very last pin with complete pricing transparency.

We do this by getting to know our clients, understanding their dreams for their day and offering up our ideas and expertise to make this become a reality.

The meetings normally last between 45mins to an hour, depending on the scale of the requirements – but most people say it is the most useful hour of the whole wedding planning process.

Made from both fresh and faux flowers

As our background is floristry, we are continually developing new floral ranges for our portfolio, made from both fresh and faux flowers. This creative background allows us to create truly unique events, building large scale structures using our myriad of frames and flowers.

From trees to golden animals

At Sofia Event Services Limited, we have built up a large portfolio of stock, everything from trees, to golden animals, chairs to chandeliers, light up letters to flower walls, you name it we probably have it -and if we don’t we’ll get it for you. Plus the great thing about our stock is, it’s all pretty much brand new.